Subject Notice Published Date End Date
MSP of Spring Rice

2081-12-13 Closed !!!
Agro-Met Advisory Bulletin (2081-12-8 to 2081-12-14)

2081-12-07 Closed !!!
Agri Met Advisory Bulletin (2081-12-01 to 2081-12-07)

2081-12-01 Closed !!!
Districtwise details of Bank/Financial institution/Co-operatives for implementation of interest based subsidy programe the

2081-11-26 Continuous
Notice regarding participation for interest based subsidy programe

2081-11-25 Continuous
Agri Met Advisory Bulletin (2081-11-23 to 2081-11-29)

2081-11-23 Closed !!!
Notice regarding submission of article for the publication of provincial agri bulletin (16th volume)

2081-11-23 2081-12-24
Agro-Met advisory Bulletin (2081-11-16 to 2081-11-22)

2081-11-16 Closed !!!
Agro Met Advisory Bulletin (2081-11-09 to 2081-11-15)

2081-11-09 Closed !!!
Application format for selection of lead farmers

2081-11-09 Closed !!!
Notice for submission of application for selection of lead farmer

2081-11-09 Closed !!!
Agro Met Advisory Bulletin (2081-11-02 to 2081-11-08)

2081-11-02 Closed !!!
Agro-Met Advisory Bulletin (2081-10-25 to 2081-11-01)

2081-10-25 Continuous
Notice regarding submission of application for National Best Farmer Award

2081-10-22 Closed !!!
Agro met Advisory Bulletin ( 2081-10-18 to 2081-10-24)

2081-10-18 Closed !!!
Notice for the supply of security guards

2081-10-15 Closed !!!
Call for proposals for the program to provide interest subsidies on agricultural loans!

2081-10-04 Closed !!!
Agro-Met advisory Bulletin (2091-10-04 to 2081-10-10)

2081-10-04 Closed !!!
Weather Forecasting Upto 2081-10-01

2081-09-27 Closed !!!
Agro Met Advisory Bulletin (2081-09-26 to 2081-10-03)

2081-09-26 Closed !!!